Camping With My Dad!

My hero is my dad he is a leader and a trustworthy man. He is the boss what he says goes at home and at work, but that’ one reason he’s my hero here’s another. It was last year and my dad and I had just left for are famous camping trip that we do every year. At the campsite we put up our tent and sat out our chairs. I knew the fun had begun!

My dad had brought the boat so we could fish in the morning, and I brought are gloves so we could play baseball in the afternoon. The first night was not very relaxing on the cold, hard ground but today was a new day. The fish didn’t bite so me and my dad just rode around and stopped at a small island in middle of the lake. Where we played ball for a little bit.

It was the last day and my dad and I were packing and putting away things. Until my dad asked if I wanted to go one on more boat ride and like any other kid I said yes. But what I didn’t know was that the only reason we were going on a boat ride is that we had forgot my glove and my dad didn’t want to hurt my feelings so we went all the way back to the island where we played baseball. As I walk up the hill there it was my glove. At that time I didn’t even know it was gone until it was right there in front of me. I was so thankful to have a dad that cares about me that much that he would go back for a cheap glove to save my feelings, that’s why he’s my hero. Who is your hero?

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